
Why You Can Trust a Vet BOAS

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When it comes to the health and well-being of your furry family members, finding a trustworthy and reliable veterinarian is essential. One option that many pet owners turn to is a vet BOAS (Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome) specialist. These veterinarians have specialized training and experience in caring for brachycephalic breeds, such as Bulldogs, Pugs, and French Bulldogs, who are prone to respiratory issues due to their unique anatomy. Specialized Training and Expertise…

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How to Treat Anxiety in Dogs — A Guide for Loving Pet Owners

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As a pet owner, you likely feel an emotional bond with your dogs. They are like family members that you always want to keep happy and healthy. But when your beloved dogs suffer from anxiety, it can be difficult to know what to do. Anxiety in dogs can be caused by a variety of factors — separation from their owners, loud noises, new environments, and so on. However, there are some things you can do to help calm your furry friend and reduce their anxiety.…

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What To Do If Your Dog Eats A Sock

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If you have a dog that tends to try eating items that it should not ingest, you are likely to be concerned if you discover your dog had eaten a sock. Dogs are curious by nature and some consider cloth items to be toys. If you notice that one of your socks is missing, you need to be on high alert afterward so your pet receives proper treatment if necessary. Here are steps to take if you believe your dog had swallowed a sock (or a similar cloth item).…

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Taking A Dog To The Hospital For Vomiting

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Dogs are sometimes the only companions that people have, which is why their health is just as important as a human’s health. For instance, if a dog begins to vomit without a known cause, it should be taken seriously in case there is an underlying health condition causing him or her to vomit. If you are worried about your dog vomiting and do not know what to do, visit an animal hospital rather than take the risk of your pet’s life being in danger.…

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Potential Signs Of Diabetes In Your Dog

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You might be aware of one or more people in your life who have diabetes, but you might not know that dogs can also develop this condition. If you’re a dog owner, it’s important for you to react quickly if you suspect that your dog could have diabetes. Scheduling regular health checkups at the local veterinary clinic may help to prevent this issue before it occurs, but if you see signs of diabetes in your pet, you’ll want to contact the clinic to set up an appointment.…

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Understanding The Process Of Taking Your Sick Animal To A Vet Hospital

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Most towns across the country have a veterinary hospital. These can be different from emergency pet services that are for severe issues during the after-hours of your veterinarian. When you have an animal that becomes sick from bad food or acting poorly for an unknown reason, you may want to get them seen as soon as possible. This is where your animal hospital steps in. Here are some key points about the process your veterinarian will take to help your pet and to start them on a treatment plan as soon as possible.…

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How To Know When Your Dog Needs To See A Veterinarian

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Just like people, dogs can fall ill from time to time and require medical attention. However, because your dog is unable to talk, it can be tricky to know when they need to see a veterinarian. It is important to know the warning signs of a potentially sick dog. Here are a few ways to know that your dog needs to see a veterinarian. Vomiting It is not unusual for dogs to occasionally vomit if they eat something that their stomach does not agree with.…

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4 Indicators You Need To Take Your Pet Bird To The ER Vet Clinic

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Your pet bird can provide companionship when you are alone. As such, you should ensure it is healthy and happy. Although health problems are common in all pets, it is important to know when your pet bird is ill, which can be quite a challenge. Generally, birds are naturally wired to hide signs of injuries and illness to keep predators at bay. However, this article will break down various signs your pet bird needs emergency treatment.…

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When Should You See The Vet About Your Dog's Coat?

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Most issues with a dog’s coat warrant a trip to the groomer. If their coat is growing too long or tangling too easily, then, of course, you take them to the groomer. There are, however, some coat problems in dogs that are better dealt with in the vet’s office. Here are some key reasons why you may want to call the vet about your dog’s coat. Your dog’s coat has been dull and brittle for a while…

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Questions Owners Often Have before Their Dogs Have Surgery

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Knowing that your dog has to have surgery can be a little scary. You know that it’s what’s best for them, but you still worry! In your concerned state, you may forget to ask the vet certain questions you have about veterinary surgery and the recovery process. Luckily, you can find some of the answers you’re looking for below. 1. Will your dog be asleep during surgery? Most veterinary procedures are performed under general anesthesia.…

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